Racing cars through the city, people bustling down the sidewalks, oblivious to each other. I often wonder where they are all going. Each with their own life and urgent concerns. Rushing to meet a friend, be at an appointment, going to work, or some even running from something. All of these create the intricate and intermeshed web of our society.

This piece reflects my curiosity and the seemingly paradoxical insignificance of an individual wanderer. Our interdependence and importance to each other each is as immense as the flap of a butterflies wing.

Over a hundred thousand years ago lived a woman among many others. She too wandered in south Africa. Over the millennia only her descendants survived, wandering north, then to the four corners of the earth. All living humans today are a descendant of this one woman called by scientists Mitochondrial Eve. Her simple seemingly insignificant wanderings and interactions have led to the existence of us all.

This is a lifecast of a model. Once an impression was made of her body it was cast and finished in urethane resin for light weight and durability. Set to hang on a wall this piece is striking in detail and form. Elegant and a sure conversation starter that will most likely lead to wanderings of your own. Shown are realistic and faux stone finishes.

Approximately 34″x17″x9″, 5 lbs 14 oz